Saturday, December 31, 2016

Concert Review: Matisyahu @ The TLA - Philadelphia, PA 12/27/16

Not many could do what Matisyahu does. Actually, I don't think anyone could do what Matisyahu does.  In the hands of a lesser individual, the act might come of as schticky.  To Matisyahu, this is not an act.  What he creates is real and honest.  His music is filled with substance and love.  He sings songs of faith and devotion. Put in its simplest terms, Matisyahu is a thing of beauty.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Fran's Top 10 Albums of 2016

What would a year end be without a year end list? This has become kind of a tradition here at My Music, My Concerts, My Life.  Although you have been hearing me ramble about my favorite music all year let's put it on paper and make it official.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Concert Review: Red Fang @ Underground Arts - Philadelphia, PA 12/02/16

The song The Sound of Muzak, written by Steven Wilson, speaks of music being engineered to fit demographics to optimize sales while at the same time dulling critical thinking and homogenizing society. Lately this doesn't seem like a too far fetched sci-fi horror. Bands like Red Fang come from the proud heritage that down to Earth and down and dirty rock intended to be hand delivered to a ready audience on the level of the ones creating the music.

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